Monday, April 16, 2007

Springtime in the suburbs

Last night our peaceful evening at home was interrupted by a loud humming/buzzing/vibrating sound. What could it be?? We searched the family room, testing all the electrical equipment. It wasn't the tv, cable box, receiver, DVD player, or lamps. We checked the basement. We peered outside into the darkness. I put my ear up to the wall. In exasperation, we opened the sliding glass door and turned on the deck light to inspect the yard. It became immediately clear the offending sound was our neighbor's hot tub. We giggled at ourselves and scurried back into the house.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter Everybody!

It snowed this weekend, so we hid eggs indoors. We would have had to anyway, because the foxes came back.

She had a riot, but stopped to pose every time we took out the camera. After searching for eggs, Sammy cried out "Happy Easter Everbody!!" with glee.

Last weekend, we want to an egg-hunt hosted by our homeowner's association. She LOVED seeing, following, and hugging the easter bunny. Several times.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Sammy loves playing with Emma

Thursday, April 05, 2007

petite fleur

She went to a princess party... perfect!
She likes to play dress up,
and she loves to wear
bobble-thingy headbands!