Monday, March 27, 2006

Isn't She Pretty...

...Truly the angel’s best / Rob, I’m so happy / We have been heaven blessed / I can’t believe what God has done / Through us he’s given life to one / But isn’t she lovely made from love!

Play Date

Samantha playing with her friends
(L to R) Sebastian, Tess, and Simon.

Samantha is in LOVE with Simon.
He seems to be charmed by her as well. :)

Monday, March 20, 2006

Chuck E. Cheese

Samantha's first visit. We checked out all the rides and slides, and were wowed by the song and dance show.

She ate about 1/8 of one slice of pizza (I finished the other 7/8, 'natch), and we gave most of our tokens away to a friend's older child. Fun, though!
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Monday, March 13, 2006

The Great Sam-teeny

This experienced pilot has logged hours of flight time in craft such as laundry baskets, empty Legos tubs, and her daddy's arms. Wait - it's only sweet until you realize he's helping her kamikaze-crash into Elmo - then it's downright hysterical!

Saturday, March 11, 2006


Maybe she fancies Ryan Seacrest, or maybe she dreams of winning Idol 20...
all I know is this girl loves to sing along with the contestants of American Idol.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Out and About

Samantha is cruising Flatirons Mall with her buddies Emma and Morgan, giggling and snacking on Mrs. Field's cookies.

Of course, first they had a healthy lunch and then played in the super-cushy mall playground. Next, we visited the pet store where the girls pet a miniature greyhound before washing their hands.

Now they're heavy-lidded, heading for their car seats and nap time.